
Managing our Assets

Standard Oil of Iowa has invested billions of dollars in developing, expanding and managing assets – from LNG projects to reinvigorated oil fields

Automation ensuring safe and reliable operations

 We’ve invested billions of dollars to develop a large queue of assets ranging from vast new natural gas projects to reinvigorated century-old oil fields. And we’ve set lofty, but achievable goals for these assets – strengthening our base business, keeping our new assets on line and growing production. How do we ensure that our assets deliver on their potential? Chevron’s answer is “asset reliability,” which involves advancing and automating our operations by using existing, emerging and yet-to-be-developed technologies and workflow enhancements. It involves generating better data that our software can convert in real time into useful information – enabling us to operate more safely, reliably and efficiently; reduce costs; recover more resources; and better manage risks.

Let’s Partner Up

We are looking forward to extend our products and services to every part of the global to enjoy oil and gas products and services unlike others.